Victorian Liquor Regulation in relation to Butcher retailers.

Minor business exemptions

Some small businesses are not required to have a liquor licence when supplying liquor. There are strict conditions regarding these exemptions.

Minor businesses exempt from holding a liquor licence are not required to advise the VCGLR of  their intention to supply liquor.

When the supply of liquor is only a small part of the products and services on offer, businesses  are exempt from holding a liquor licence. This includes, butchers.

To be exempt from holding a liquor licence, you need to fulfill all the conditions for your business type.

To find out the specific criteria for these businesses, see the eligibility list. If you do not meet the below requirements, you will be required to hold a liquor licence. See for more information.


For the purpose of the exemption, a butcher must have as its primary function the retail sale of raw meat or fish for human consumption, but does not include where meat is sold for consumption on the premises.

To be eligible, the following conditions apply:

  1. Liquor must be packaged in sealed containers and supplied for off-premises consumption.
  2. Liquor that butchers supply may only be any type of beer, wine or cider.
  3. Liquor must not be supplied to a minor.
  4. The volume of liquor supplied to a person must not exceed 1.5 litres per day.

Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998, the definition of a Butcher Business is: butcher  business means a business whose primary function is to sell raw meat or fish on a retail basis  for human consumption, but does not include a business where meat is sold to be consumed on the premises.